The information provided in these pages is not legal advice, and should not be relied on as such. The content on these pages is for informational purposes only, and is meant as a starting point on your search for answers to your legal questions.
We cannot guarantee that all information contained in this website is up to date at all times. The law is constantly changing and evolving. We cannot be, nor shall we be, responsible for any use of the information contained in this web site, nor any damages you may sustain from any reliance on it. You should not rely solely upon the information provided without seeking the advice of an attorney.
The information contained in this web site is general in nature, and cannot replace a thorough review of your particular legal situation by a competent attorney who has had an opportunity to review all of the facts. Without such a review, you would not be receiving competent legal help.
Therefore, we recommend that you contact an experienced attorney in your area to guide you through your legal matter.
Communication between us, without a clear agreement by us to represent you, does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. In order to discuss representation, we must personally speak with you. Only a written agreement between you and us that we have signed can result in our representing you and/or protecting your interests. Similarly, transmission of information from this site is not intended to create, and its receipt does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Nothing in this website should be taken to create an attorney-client relationship.
We may offer any person a no-obligation initial consultation. This in no way obligates us to represent you, or to answer any specific questions. We reserve the right to deny a consultation to anybody, for any reason.
This disclaimer applies to all pages and content contained in this domain.
We hope that you find our web site useful and informative and we encourage you to call for a free personal consultation.