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Why You Should Have A Law Firm Audit Your PIP Files!

Here are some of the top reasons to have one of our attorneys audit you PIP files!

  1. Our PIP team will pull ALL OF YOUR viable PIP files for demand. We recover EXTRA MONEY providers would not otherwise receive.

    1. We believe that maximizing your bottom line is more important than filing advantageous suits to accumulate attorney’s fees. 

      We are in the business of making you money in the shortest possible time.  However, we refuse to cut corners. Whereas, most PIP law firms cherry-pick only the easy suits such as IMEs and Peer review cut-offs, our firm will take policy construction issues, EMC Cut-offs along with the easier issues. We ensure you receive money in a swift/expeditious manner.

  2. WE TACKLE  ISSUES  about which other firms may not be familiar

    1. Our firm prides itself on being zealous advocates for our clients.  We constantly research the ever-evolving PIP law. We are familiar with litigating on behalf of all types of medical providers from physical therapists to hospitals. We’re familiar with the correct reimbursements for each type of code
    2. We take on issues other firms may not find interesting or even address.
    3. We will not avoid a file simply because benefits have exhausted. We maximize your bottom line.
  3. WE travel to YOU

    1. In the age of technology, face-to-face meetings are becoming lesser the norm. We, however, have an auditing team that will go to your practice and individually addresses each file.
    2. Our strategy in going to our providers’ offices is two-fold
      1. We build relationships and are available to your practice for any questions or concerns.
      2. Our full concentration is on the practice the day of the audit.
  4. OUR  billing software is PROPRIETARY

    1. Our law firm not only prides itself on customer service and knowledge of the law, we likewise are leaders in PIP billing technology.
    2. Our firm has developed in-house software allowing us to track demand letters, claims, and the like.  No other firm competes in this arena.

    1. Insurers do not hold PIP suits against providers.
      1. The Demand process was created to give insurers a second chance to pay correctly.
      2. If insurers choose to disobey the Legislature, and the PIP statute, the logical conclusion is they must pay your business.
      3. Insurers have different divisions.  Bodily Injury (BI) is not the same as PIP. BI addresses bodily injury. The BI adjuster will not be the same as the PIP adjuster in most cases.

PIP Money/MVA Money can only help your bottom line.. We are here to help facilitate the process for your practice.

LaBovick Law Group is a full-service PIP law firm.  We handle audits, pre-litigation, and litigation for medical practices treating motor vehicle accident patients.  We use cutting-edge technology to ensure quick payments. Give me a call at (561) 623-3681 to further discuss these important matters!

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