
We Need Your Help to Stop This Bill…Now!

The “Limitations in Medical Payments (LIMP)” bill has been filed in both chambers of the Florida Legislature. With these bills, plaintiffs will be restricted on how much they can ask for in medical damages depending on the case. If this LIMP bill is passed, it will change the way we


I have varicose veins…so what?

While varicose veins are just plain annoying for many of us, you may not have known that they can be a good reason to apply for Social Security disability (SSD) benefits. You may be thinking I’m crazy, but after reading the ins and outs of varicose veins I think you


Young Boy Drowns in Cruise Line Pool

Back in October, a six-year-old boy drowned in a pool on the Carnival Victory. Earlier this month, it was reported that a four-year-old boy drowned and a six-year-old boy was revived, both on the Norwegian Breakaway. Apparently, the ship’s emergency medical team responded and administered CPR, but only the older


NYPD Officers Caught in Disability Benefits Fraud

More than 100 people, including 72 former NYC police officers and 8 former firefighters, were charged earlier this month with Social Security disability fraud. A total of $21.4 million in benefits was paid to people listed in the indictment. About half of the defendants falsely claimed psychiatric illness as a


In-Depth Look at Maritime Salvage

In our previous post discussing the basics of maritime salvage, we touched upon the fundamentals of the salvage award. The following information gives a more precise account of these points with emphasis on salvage awards, jurisdiction issues, maritime liens, and other relevant Florida statutes. The information provided here is quite

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