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Cancer, the No. 1 Killer in America

Many of you have loved ones who have been affected by cancer. Cancer hit close to home for me a very long time ago when my father was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer. Since that time, he has been diagnosed and treated for colon cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer,


Caps on Medical Malpractice Damages

The recent Florida Supreme Court decision, Estate of McCall v. United States of America, should be hailed by all as a triumph for the civil justice system.  What this case essentially did was declare the statutory cap on medical malpractice lawsuits as unconstitutional.  Back in 2003, the Florida Legislature passed


New Rules for Child Car Seats

Parents take note: the government is instituting new rules for child car seats.  Recently, the government has issued new guidelines on how to install car seats as your children approach the upper weight limit for the seat. They have also issued new side-impact crash tests for child seats.  It is


Boating Accidents in Florida (Part 1 of 3)

Florida leads the nation with more than 900,000 registered boating vessels.  With that many boats in the water, there are bound to be a lot of accidents.  To be classified as a “reportable” boating accident, the event must meet at least one of the following five criteria: a person dies,


March is Social Work Awareness Month

Did you know that March is professional social work month? Social workers help people solve and cope with problems in their everyday lives, and they can be found helping their community in mental health clinics, schools, human service agencies, hospitals, and even their own private practices. They help people restore


Distracted Walking?

New studies have revealed the obvious, texting while walking can be dangerous.  While it seems fairly evident that looking at a screen instead of where you are strolling would increase the risk of injury, researchers have recently completed a study of movement patterns of 26 people, and it verifies the

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