
Dress Rules Too Follow When You Are At Trial

To win a personal injury case you must tone down your clothes and dress conservatively.  Do not dress powerfully or expensively. The more powerful you look the less a jury will help you!  However, you must still dress your part.  If you’re a GEICO claims adjuster, who was always against


Can You Get Disability Benefits for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Introduction In the realm of health challenges, few conditions disrupt daily life as profoundly as carpal tunnel syndrome. If you’re grappling with this ailment and its associated symptoms, which may be hampering your ability to work, you might be wondering: is carpal tunnel a disability? There’s a glimmer of hope:


Can I Collect Disability For A Mental Condition?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) covers individuals who suffer from not only physical conditions but also mental conditions. When determining eligibility for SSDI benefits the whole person is considered. This includes any physical or mental condition, your education, past work, and even your ability to communicate in English. If you


What Is Left For You To Recover: PIP Is Still Viable

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is still a viable source of income for most medical providers. The recent changes to the PIP law have contributed to a dynamic litigation climate. PIP insurers are looking to this new statute to avoid paying claims. However, do not fear, you may still recover what’s


What is Disability Insurance?

What would you do if suddenly you were unable to work due to an accident or illness? How would you be able to survive financially during your recovery? Do you know what type of disability insurance coverage you have…if any? These are important questions you need to have answered in order


Depression and Disability

Have you ever felt down, gloomy, or depressed? Most people have. Like most people, you probably bounced back to your “old” self in a few days. However, some people struggle with these feelings constantly. People diagnosed with clinical depression oftentimes lose their enthusiasm for life. They lose all interest in

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