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What are Limitations to Maritime Law When Cruising

Just this week I was contacted by a passenger who was injured on a major cruise line.  One of my first questions to him was, “When did your incident happen?”  When the injured passenger told me 16 months ago I was disheartened.  I was forced to turn down representing this


Tax Whistleblowers

What would you estimate is the amount of money which the IRS fails to collect every year?  Certainly the IRS knows many people and especially big business doesn’t always pay the “right” amount in taxes  In fact every year people and big companies do just the opposite. They actually and


The Police Officer Blamed Me: Can I still Recover?

Oftentimes, injured individuals come to me seeking legal advice after being blamed for causing an accident.  Unfortunately, many individuals have the misconception that simply because the law enforcement officer determined they were at fault no recovery for injuries will be permitted.  This belief is 100% inaccurate. Simply put, the officer


Tax Court Denies IRS Motion

  We have been working for Tax Whistleblowers since 2007.  During that time the tax courts, the IRS and the Justice Department have tried over and over again to limit the payouts to tax whistleblowers.  They throw up roadblocks and try to leverage the whistleblower into lowering the amount they

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