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Rumblings About Florida Workers’ Compensation

Injured workers in Florida-ACT NOW DO NOT DELAY. The main reason for claim denial is failure to report the accident. An accident occurs and you go home and think about whether or not you want to tell your supervisor about the injuries and need for treatment. You delay one day.


What Qualifies as Commercial Litigation?

What does a commercial litigation lawyer do?  People are often confused when lawyers say they practice “commercial litigation” because the term does not have an official or legal meaning.  Technically, it means lawsuits involving commerce or business.  So it includes pretty much every type of case that can come up


5 Most Common Types of Commercial Litigation

When it comes to business, there are so many rules to follow most of us can’t keep track.  However, one thing we can all wrap our heads around is that there are certain “rules” to play by.  Not only are they rule, but they’re fully enforced by the law, meaning

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