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Top 4 Ways to Keep Halloween Safe

Boo!!! If you read my last blog on teenage driving and how it can ruin your finances you are likely scared to death already. If you haven’t read it and have teen drivers I highly suggest you do.  But, this blog will help alleviate some stress related to the upcoming


Vegas Law Suits Popping Up

The first of the civil liability Las Vegas shooting death law suits was filed this week.  There will be many who are going to decry these lawsuits, and there will be a lot of them, as frivolous. There are many others who will cry out for justice for the victims


Do Blood Transfusions Qualify for Disability Benefits?

Blood transfusions are fairly common in the United States. Each year approximately 5 million Americans need a blood transfusion. The FDA has the vital role of ensuring patients who receive a blood transfusion are protected by multiple overlapping safeguards including donor screening, blood testing, quarantine, and donor deferral lists.  There


Drone Laws in Florida

Honestly I am starting to feel both old and scared.  It is almost like I am a guy who was raised on a farm and horses were the only fast transportation. Then, within a short period of time, man was riding in trains, then cars, then a few years later,


How Old Can I Be and Still Qualify for Disability?

This is an interesting question with a complex answer. It is best first to know how the social security system runs before we I go into detail about the regulations of Social Security Disability, or SSD. The Social Security Administration, or SSA, is a federally run administrative agency. This agency


Steps to Receiving a Disability Check

Applying for Social Security Disability benefits can be a complicated affair. Most people think they submit an application for disability benefits, the social security administration will review and approve the application, and then they will start receiving a monthly check. In a perfect world that is exactly how the process

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