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Does AML Leukemia Qualify for Disability?

Acute myelogenous leukemia, or AML leukemia, is a type of blood or bone marrow cancer. This is a rapidly forming cancer, starting in the bone marrow and quickly disseminating throughout the body. The word “acute” means rapid formation and, without treatment, it means it could be terminal after only a


Is It Too Late to File a Claim for Personal Injury?

It is hard to think straight in the aftermath of an injury; you’re dealing with pain, potential loss of property, and seeking treatment. Often, the strain does not lessen after the initial incident is over. Now, you must contend with missing work, lost wages, ongoing medical care… the list goes


What Disability Benefits Are Available for NFL Players?

Playing in the National Football League (NFL) often places professional football players at significant risk for serious, if not permanent, injury. It is no surprise that the NFL has taken steps to financially protect players in the event of permanent injury resulting in an inability to work. In this case,


Crew Member Accidents and Injuries on Ships

When you think of dangerous jobs at sea, does Deadliest Catch come to mind? Definitely! Besides a terrific watch, the show underscores the danger that commercial crabbers and fishermen face every day. But they’re not the only ones in jeopardy: working around or aboard any vessel — whether a cargo


What Is Residual Functional Capacity?

When you are struggling with a disability, coping with lost work, lost wages, insecurity around your finances, medical appointments, therapies, and other aspects can be overwhelming. Trying to navigate the complex Social Security Disability maze only adds to the stress and frustration. One area of confusion is residual functional capacity.


Can a Motorcycle Accident Cause PTSD?

Your heart races. Your palms start to sweat. You hear a vehicle whizzing by, and you start breathing hard, fast. Anxiety, tension, fear. A simple ride – or even laying down to sleep – can bring on intense, overwhelming, feelings of distress. Your once-favorite activity, hobby, mode of transportation now

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