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How to Avoid Getting Your Motorcycle Rear Ended

Motorcycle rear-ended? Protect your rights. Contact experienced Motorcycle Accident Lawyers. Imagine this: you’re riding your motorcycle, exploring Florida’s beautiful coastline – or you are on your way to work. Doesn’t matter. You’re behind a few vehicles at a stoplight, and when you see it in your mirrors. A car is


Is Meniere’s Disease Eligible for Disability Benefits?

Meniere’s disease is a condition caused by hearing loss or imbalance. It is characterized by episodes of vertigo. This is an inner ear condition, typically affecting only one ear. However, if the condition progresses, it may move to both. The inner ear is responsible for hearing and balance. Typical symptoms


10 Most Common Construction Accidents in Florida

Over half a million people are employed in the construction field in Florida, and the state added nearly 35,000 new jobs between April 2017 and April 2018. With a booming economy and the need to rebuild after natural disasters, we can expect the industry to continue to grow. At the


What to Do If You Get Hit By a Vehicle

South Florida is a prime place to take a stroll and soak in the sights – and the sun. Whether you are window-shopping, exploring, exercising, running errands, or commuting to work, walking delivers a host of benefits. Unfortunately, it can also be dangerous. The Sunshine State is one of the


Navigating Industrial Accidents: Unveiling Insights and Legal Avenues

Industrial accidents, while often preventable, can have profound consequences that ripple through the lives of workers, families, and communities. This in-depth guide delves into the multifaceted realm of industrial accidents, encompassing their definitions, causes, legal implications, and the invaluable role of the LaBovick Law Group. With decades of experience, we


Florida Bicycle Laws

With mild year-round temperatures, and some of the most stunning scenery in the country, the Sunshine State practically begs people to hit the roads on their bicycles. Whether you want to reduce your carbon footprint, get more exercise, or simply get to and from work and errands without the hassle


What Is the Purpose of the Jones Act?

On September 20, 2017, Hurricane Maria tore into Puerto Rico; the Category 4 monster made landfall with 155-mph winds. It was the third-strongest storm to hit the US and the strongest to hit Puerto Rico in more than 80 years. Maria left a trail of destruction: roads, bridges, homes, and

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