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Does Cystic Fibrosis Qualify for Disability?

Cystic fibrosis can be overwhelming, as you are suffering from a severe condition requiring a significant amount of medical treatment. The more severe your condition, the more likely the symptoms have a significant impact upon your ability to work, thus making you more likely to qualify for disability benefits. If


What To Do After A Car Accident That’s Not Your Fault?

Understanding Your Rights in a No-Fault Car Accident in Florida Being involved in a car accident is stressful, especially if it wasn’t your fault. Understanding your rights and knowing what to do after a car accident not your fault is crucial for protecting yourself legally and financially. Florida’s no-fault insurance


What Is the Leading Cause of Traffic Collisions?

Cars have become an integral part of life: we depend on them for our daily commutes, to run errands, to transport our children, to hit the road for an adventure. But they also pose a significant risk. There are over 6 million accidents each year in the US, half resulting


10 Safe Driving Tips to Prevent Vehicle Accidents

In Florida alone, there are greater than 400,000 car accidents a year; more than half of these result in injury, and sadly, there are over 3000 deaths annually. At the LaBovick Law Group, we take your rights, and your safety, very seriously. Whenever you head out on our beautiful highways


How Much Does Workers Comp Pay for Lost Wages?

When you’re injured at work or when performing work-related duties, your initial thought is usually for your physical safety – followed quickly by pain and/or discomfort. But then your thoughts inevitably turn to other matters. Can you go back to work? When? How will you pay your bills and provide

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