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10 Safe Driving Tips to Prevent Vehicle Accidents

In Florida alone, there are greater than 400,000 car accidents a year; more than half of these result in injury, and sadly, there are over 3000 deaths annually. At the LaBovick Law Group, we take your rights, and your safety, very seriously. Whenever you head out on our beautiful highways


How Much Does Workers Comp Pay for Lost Wages?

When you’re injured at work or when performing work-related duties, your initial thought is usually for your physical safety – followed quickly by pain and/or discomfort. But then your thoughts inevitably turn to other matters. Can you go back to work? When? How will you pay your bills and provide


Unraveling the Enigma: Is Cataplexy a Disability?

Introduction In the complex realm of medical intricacies, a social security disability attorney can help unravel the mystifying enigma of cataplexy, weaving threads of muscle weakness and conscious awareness. Drawing upon more than two decades of experience navigating personal injury and social security cases, I stand poised, alongside a team


What Steps to Take After a Car Accident

While car accidents are far too common, they are no less terrifying. Whether you anticipate a crash or it blindsides you, the moments after are chaotic. Adrenaline is pumping through your body; you may be hurt. You are definitely scared. It is difficult to think clearly and rationally – but


Vision Loss and Blindness Disability Facts

These Vision Loss and Blindness Disability Facts May Surprise You In the United States, approximately 1 in every 3 Americans has some form of vision loss. The most common cause of vision loss is age-related macular degeneration, which occurs when the small central portion of the retina deteriorates and typically


Can Workers Comp Deny Treatment?

When you suffer an injury at work, the worries and concerns immediately start building. When will you be able to return to your job? How will you cover medical expenses? What if your injury prevents you from earning an income to support yourself and your family? How can you work


Understanding SSDI Application Process Terms

Many applicants need help with Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) terminology. The SSDI application process itself is not only frustrating, stressful, and LONG, but also a lot of the terms you may come across are simply confusing. To aid in your understanding of key SSDI application process terms, the team


Asperger’s Syndrome and Social Security Disability: Is Asperger´s a Disability?

Asperger’s Syndrome: An Overview What is Asperger’s Syndrome? Asperger’s Syndrome, a developmental disorder belonging to the broader Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), manifests in early childhood. Unlike other types of autism, those with Asperger’s typically do not face speech delays but have marked challenges in social interactions and non-verbal communication. Symptomatic

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