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How to Obtain Disability Benefits for Muscle Atrophy

Muscle atrophy, in the most basic sense, is muscle decline or wasting away. This muscle decline can occur in one muscle, a group of muscles or throughout the entire body. When muscles decline or waste away you generally will experience weakness in the affected area.  Causes of Muscle Atrophy Muscle


Is IBS a Disability? : Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Navigating Disability Benefits

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Comprehensive Insight Is IBS a Disability? Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a widespread gastrointestinal disorder predominantly affecting the large intestine. It’s alternatively termed as spastic colon, mucous colitis, irritable colon, or spastic colitis. Afflicted individuals often encounter symptoms like abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and


Steps for Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer in Florida

The state of Florida reported 401,872 traffic crashes in 2019 — nearly 16% of which resulted in injuries. No matter what type of injury you’ve suffered due to someone else’s negligence, finding the right personal injury lawyer in Florida can be overwhelming. Personal injury attorneys don’t just handle traffic crashes;


Demystifying Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA): Navigating the SSA Guidelines to Secure Your Social Security Benefits

Introduction Embarking on the path of employment while grappling with a disability often unveils a landscape filled with legal intricacies and financial dilemmas. For many, despite the impediments posed by their physical or mental conditions, the pressing need for financial sustenance beckons them into the workforce. Amidst this endeavor lies


Does Neurocardiogenic Syncope Qualify as a Disability?

Neurocardiogenic syncope is a fainting condition that occurs when your body overreacts to certain triggers. This condition is also known as vasovagal syncope. Syncope, in the most basic terms, means a temporary loss of consciousness.  Types of Syncope There are four types of syncope: reflex, cardiac, orthostatic or neurologic.  Reflex,

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