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What is a letter of protection?

Introduction In the intricate intersection of legal proceedings and healthcare, the Letter of Protection (LOP) stands as a pivotal document, ensuring that individuals facing personal injuries are not hindered by financial constraints from obtaining necessary medical care. This legal agreement, commonly used in personal injury cases, provides a unique solution


These Are the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents

Anytime you get in a car and drive, you take the risk of getting in a car accident. In 2018 alone, over 6.7 million car accidents occurred, and many of these collisions caused fatalities. If you’ve recently been involved in a car accident, you might be suffering from injuries right


All About Social Security Disability Appeals

The Judge denied my claim for Social Security Disability benefits, should I appeal? If you are denied benefits following a Social Security Disability hearing, you have the right to appeal to the Appeals Council. The Appeals Council will either deny review, grant review and reverse the Judge’s decision, remand the

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