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How to Appeal a disability denial

If you are denied social security disability benefits, do not lose hope. The majority of people who file for social security disability insurance are denied after their initial application. In fact, the statistics are that only approximately 30% of applications are approved with the initial request. There are a lot


Should I file for Social Security Disability Benefits?

Social Security disability benefits are monetary and health benefits that are managed by the federal government. This is a government-run insurance program set in place to help working members of society in the event they find themselves in a position where they are unable to work. This inability to work


Labovick Law Group: MVA Recovery Program

Partner with Labovick Law Group Today and Join The Warriors For Justice Referral Network! Attention all Personal Injury Attorneys, Workers Compensation attorneys, Social Security Disability Attorneys and Healthcare Attorneys, doctors throughout the State of Florida, cash in on your relationship with medical providers throughout the State of Florida. Your Office


LaBovick Law Group Has Launched a New Website

  We are thrilled to announce that LaBovick Law Group has launched a new website at! Our goal with this new website is to provide our visitors with an easier way to learn about LaBovick Law Group’s practice areas and services, and also to browse information, find out quickly

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