
What Does Uninsured Motorist Coverage Pay For?

Uninsured motorist coverage (UM) is an optional form of auto insurance that drivers can purchase in Florida. It provides coverage beyond your personal injury protection (PIP) policy when you are involved in a collision with a driver who does not have car insurance. Although the state requires every driver to


If I refuse to go back to work after suffering a work-related injury can I still collect workers’ compensation benefits?

Workers’ Compensation benefits generally fall into one of two categories.  Benefits are either for lost time or reduced wages, referred to as “indemnity” benefits; or are for medical benefits which include treatment, prescriptions, apparatus’s, mileage reimbursement among other things.  This article is going to focus on indemnity benefits. You may


What is a No Contact Motorcycle Accident?

Unraveling the No Contact Motorcycle Accident Conundrum A no contact motorcycle accident unfolds when a motorcyclist evades a potential collision with another vehicle, only to end up crashing. Often, these perilous incidents are birthed from a driver’s negligent actions such as an unforewarned lane switch, abrupt halting, or clipping a


How Much Is My Slip and Fall Case Worth?

Since every slip and fall injury is different, there is no simple answer for how much your case is worth. The amount of compensation you are entitled to will depend on many factors unique to your accident.  Accident Expenses The higher your financial losses related to the slip and fall


Advantages of a Pedestrian Accident Attorney

A pedestrian accident can be devastating, and you may be unable to work and face a long recovery. While the law does not require you to hire legal representation, there are many advantages to having a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer guide you through the claims process.  Zero Financial Risk Most pedestrian

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