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Social Security Disability for Back Pain

One of the most common unfortunate ailments of Americans, especially as one begins to get older, is back pain. Back pain can occur due to a number of different causes, but one very common reason for back pain is degenerative disc disease. This more commonly occurs after the age of


Social Security Disability benefits for Conversion Disorder

What is conversion disorder? Conversion disorder is a mental health condition which causes physical symptoms. It is also referred to as “functional neurologic disorder.” This disorder features nervous system symptoms that cannot be explained by a neurological disease or other medical condition. A person with conversion disorder may experience blindness,


How do I pick my Alleged Onset Date?

Often when filling out an application for Social Security Disability benefits, people are unsure what to write down when asked to indicate the date they became disabled. This can be challenging especially when someone has suffered from a health condition for a long time, including while the person was still


Social Security Disability Benefits for Lymphedema

Lymphedema is swelling that occurs in various parts of the body. This swelling occurs when there is a problem affecting the lymphatic system. The swelling is due to a build-up of lymph fluid in the body. The affected swollen tissue has an accumulation of fluid which is rich in protein


Charcot’s Foot Social Security Disability Benefits

Charcot’s Foot is a disabling condition that can cause severe and debilitating pain for those who suffer from it. It can drastically reduce mobility, making it difficult or impossible to stand or walk. Fortunately, there are social security disability benefits available to help those with Charcot’s Foot manage their condition


Lost Wages in Workers’ Compensation Claims

Under the Florida Workers Compensation Law, lost wage benefits are paid based upon disability from a work-related injury.  What is disability? Disability means you are unable to earn the same wages you were earning at the time of injury.  To prove disability you need to show a casual connection between


Social Security Disability for Cushing Syndrome

Cushing Syndrome, also known as hypercortisolism, is a disorder which results in having too much cortisol in the body. Cortisol under normal circumstances is released into the body during times of stress and increases heart rate, increases blood sugar, manages blood glucose, managing respiration, and increases muscle tension. Cortisol levels

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