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We Need Your Help to Stop This Bill…Now!

The “Limitations in Medical Payments (LIMP)” bill has been filed in both chambers of the Florida Legislature. With these bills, plaintiffs will be restricted on how much they can ask for in medical damages depending on the case. If this LIMP bill is passed, it will change the way we practice law drastically.

The Florida Justice Association (FJA) is asking for our help to get the word out and stop this bill from going any further. In their letter, FJA asks for several documents to be sent to healthcare providers, including a sample letter for providers you have worked with. Also included is a sample letter to the legislature from a healthcare provider, talking points of LIMP, contact information for key legislatures and the bills themselves. (HB 379 by Rep. Hood and SB 1128 by Sen. Richter) 

These documents show why it is important to oppose this bill for attorneys and for healthcare providers. The issue is expected to come up in March, which makes it very important to share this information and send your opposition to the legislature. Help stop an unfairness that could only add more harm to a victim and the doctors who treated them.

Immediate action is needed! This bill must be stopped now!

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