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List of Defective Drugs on the Market

The big list of defective drugs in the market now:

Taxotere Lawsuit

Breast cancer patients are coming forward and alleging that the chemotherapy drug Taxotere (docetaxel) has caused them permanent hair loss, a side effect the manufacturer did not clearly disclose. Taxotere, manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis and sold in the U.S. since 1999, is used to treat patients with advanced or metastasized breast cancer

Abilify & Compulsive Gambling Lawsuit

Lawyers are investigating lawsuits on behalf of patients who were prescribed the drug Abilify (aripiprazole) and developed compulsive gambling behaviors.

Onglyza Heart Failure Lawsuit

Attorneys are reviewing claims on behalf of patients who took this Type 2 diabetic medication (saxagliptin) and suffered from heart failure.

Invokana Ketoacidosis Lawsuit

Lawyers are investigating potential lawsuits on behalf of patients who suffered serious injuries, such as ketoacidosis, after taking certain Type 2 diabetic drug medication – including Invokana (canagliflozin) and Invokamet (canagliflozin/metformin).

Eliquis (apixaban) Bleeding Investigation

There are a number of claims that the blood-thinning drug Eliquis (apixaban) may create an unacceptable risk of irreversible and life-threatening internal bleeding.

Zofran Birth Defects

We are involved deeply with lawsuits on for birth defects caused by Zofran.  These lawsuits are due to the children’s mothers being prescribed the anti-nausea medication Zofran (ondansetron) during their first trimester of pregnancy.  This must be only Zofran and not generic ondansetron.

Antibiotic Nerve Damage Lawsuits

There are potential lawsuits for patients who developed peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage affecting the arms and legs) after taking Levaquin, Cipro or any other brand-name antibiotic that falls under a class of drugs known as fluoroquinolones.

Xarelto Lawsuit

We are reviewing claims from patients who took the blood thinner Xarelto (rivaroxaban) and suffered serious bleeding events.

J&J Talcum Powder Ovarian Cancer Lawsuit

We are deeply involved in reviewing claims on behalf of women who developed ovarian cancer after using Johnson & Johnson talcum or baby powder near the genitals.

Testosterone Therapy Lawsuit

There are a number of potential lawsuits we have investigated on behalf of men who used AndroGel or other testosterone therapies and suffered from heart attacks, strokes or other serious medical conditions.

SSRI Birth Defects

Women taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as Celexa, Lexapro, Paxil, Prozac or Zoloft, during pregnancy may have a risk of delivering children with birth defects.

GranuFlo Naturalyte Recall

The FDA has issued a Class I recall on dialysis concentrates GranuFlo and Naturalyte after it was found that the products could put patients at risk for cardiac arrest when not prescribed appropriately.

Januvia Claims

Various academic and post-marketing studies have established a possible link between Januvia (sitagliptin) and pancreatic cancer.

Byetta Lawsuits

Research has suggested that Byetta users may be at a heightened risk for pancreatic cancer when compared to those exploring other treatment options.

Zoloft Lawsuits

Zoloft may subject to a lawsuit from women who took the drug during pregnancy and delivered children with birth defects.

Lexapro Birth Defects Suits

Taking antidepressants, like the SSRI Lexapro, during pregnancy may increase the risk of delivering children with birth defects.

Risperdal Cases

Research indicates that Risperdal will increase levels of prolactin, a hormone that stimulates breast development in women. Young boys who have taken prolactin and are displaying increased levels of this hormone and could develop male breasts, which is scientifically referred to as gynecomastia, and must be removed surgically.

Invega Claims

Invega (generic: paliperidone) is not linked to the abnormal growth of breast tissue in young males, as well as other life-altering side effects.

Lipitor Lawsuit

Patients who took Lipitor have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in greater numbers and appear to have a connection to the drug.

Benicar Lawsuit

If you experienced excessive weight loss, chronic diarrhea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal (GI) side effects while taking the high blood pressure medication Benicar please call our office.

Celexa Birth Defects

Celexa, a popular SSRI, has been linked to the risk of serious birth defects, including congenital heart defects, as well as the skull and abdominal defects.

Effexor Lawsuits

Women who took Effexor during pregnancy and delivered a child with a birth defect may have a legal claim!

Topamax Birth Defects

Women who took Topamax or the generic version topiramate during pregnancy have an increased risk of delivering children with oral cleft birth defects, according to the FDA.  There is clear proof from the data of registered pregnant women which shows infants who were exposed to the drug had a 1.4% rate of oral defects!

Janumet Lawsuit

Janumet users who have Type 2 diabetes and have developed pancreatic cancer may have a valid lawsuit.

Victoza Lawsuit

Diabetic drug users who take Victoza and who were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer may have a claim.

Fosamax Femur Fractures

The FDA and the drug industry have known for years that Fosamax and other bisphosphonates can create a serious risk of atypical fractures in the thigh.

Plavix Lawsuits

The drug manufacturer of Plavix has been accused of falsely advertising that Plavix provides superior cardiovascular benefits compared to aspirin.  It also failed to warn consumers about the severe risks of taking the drug.

Prozac Birth Defects

Expectant mothers who were taking Prozac during pregnancy and delivered children with birth defects may have serious legal action.

Yasmin and Yaz Lawyers

Bayer the manufacturer has paid more than $142 million to settle Yaz/Yasmin lawsuits.  There are more than 650 cases alleging that these birth control pills which potentially cause deadly blood clots in women.

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