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Incidents at the 2024 Copa América Final: You May Be Entitled to Compensation

2024 America's cup final

I’m Brian LaBovick, a personal injury attorney with years of experience, and I personally attended the 2024 Copa América final at Hard Rock Stadium. What was supposed to be a memorable event for soccer fans turned into a nightmare of disorganization and chaos. If you were one of the affected individuals, you might be entitled to compensation for the damages suffered. Below, I’ll discuss the potential injuries, the liability of the organizers and the stadium, and how you can claim your rights.

The Incidents at the 2024 Copa América Final

The final match between Argentina and Colombia, held at Hard Rock Stadium, was marred by severe incidents. The match started one hour and forty minutes late amid a series of issues that endangered the safety of thousands of fans. Security forces closed the stadium doors two hours before the match began, causing crowding and stampedes at the entrances.

Possible Injuries Sustained

Crowds and stampedes can cause a variety of injuries, some of them severe. Among the most common are:

  • Crush Injuries: The pressure exerted by a crowd can cause bruises, fractures, and internal injuries.
  • Asphyxiation: In a stampede, lack of oxygen due to crowd pressure can lead to asphyxiation.
  • Limb Injuries: Sprains, twists, and fractures are common in situations where people trip or are pushed.
  • Psychological Trauma: The stress and fear experienced in such an event can result in anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Liability of the Organizers and Hard Rock Stadium

Determining liability is crucial for proceeding with a personal injury claim. In this case, both the Copa América organizers and the Hard Rock Stadium management could be held responsible.

Organizational Failures

CONMEBOL and the event organizers had the duty to ensure the event was conducted safely for all attendees. However, the lack of foresight and adequate security measures, such as the usual security perimeters, left thousands of fans vulnerable. The decision to close the gates two hours before the match without clear communication or a safe alternative plan directly contributed to the crowding and stampedes.

Responsibility of Hard Rock Stadium

Hard Rock Stadium also bears significant responsibility. As hosts of the event, they were responsible for implementing and supervising safety measures within and around their facilities. The lack of an effective system to control the entry and exit of spectators, and the inability to properly manage the crowd, indicate severe negligence.

Personal Injury Claims

If you suffered injuries during these incidents, you might be entitled to compensation. Personal injury claims can cover a variety of costs, including:

  • Medical Expenses: From emergency care to rehabilitation.
  • Lost Income: Compensation for the time lost from work due to injuries.
  • Emotional Damages: Compensation for psychological trauma and emotional suffering.
  • Pain and Suffering: Compensation for physical pain and the negative impact on your quality of life.

Steps to Claim Your Rights

  • Document Everything: Keep all medical records, photos of injuries, and any communication with the organizers or stadium management.
  • Find Witnesses: Testimonies from other attendees can strengthen your case.
  • Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer: An experienced attorney can help you navigate the legal process and increase your chances of obtaining fair compensation.


The incidents at the 2024 Copa América final are a tragic reminder of the importance of safety at large events. If you or a loved one were affected by these events, you are not alone. At LaBovick Law, we are here to help you get the justice and compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation and find out how we can help you claim your rights.

Don’t let the negligence of others go unpunished. Your well-being and your rights are our priority.

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