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I’m unable to work. What are my options?

Approximately 1 in 4 Americans between the ages of 25 and 54 are not working. This includes those individuals who are unable to work as well as those who are actively looking for work but unable to find a job. If you happen to fall into the unable to work category you may be wondering what your options are. In short, your options depend on your ability to work.

Your first and most obvious option is to find a job. There are several places to look, either in the newspaper, on the internet through job search websites, or even calling a local non-profit like Goodwill. Another excellent option is to call Vocational Rehabilitation. This is a free program in the state of Florida where they will help train you to do certain types of work and then help you find employment.

Another option would be to go back to school. Increasing your education can help open doors to new jobs. In today’s internet based world it is easy enough to take classes online. Or you could contact your local community college or tech school to help train you for certain types of employment.

If you want to stay in the industry you are in you could file for unemployment. When you file for unemployment you must be actively looking for a position. Remember, unemployment benefits don’t last forever. This benefit is meant to keep your head above water until you are able to find a more permanent position.

If the reason you are unable to work is due to a work-related injury you may be eligible for worker’s compensation. If that is the case you should seek an attorney who specializes in worker’s compensation.

All of the options I have mentioned thus far assume that you are capable of maintaining full-time unaccommodated employment. If that is not the case, you might be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits. Social Security Disability is a government insurance program that you buy into just by working and paying taxes. You may qualify for the program if you are unable to work due to a physical or mental condition, and are expected to be out of work for at least 12 months. Applying for disability benefits can be a long and confusing process. If you think this may be a good option for you, contact an experienced Social Security disability attorney for help filing for the benefits.

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