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Articles about Workers Compensation

3 Steps to a Stress Free Workers’ Compensation Case

Injured at work? In need of a paycheck while out of work? Frustrated dealing with the insurance company? The workers’ compensation attorneys at LaBovick Law Group and Diaz are here to alleviate your stress. The Florida Workers’ Compensation system is set up to benefit the Employer/Insurance company. The system will


Florida Workers’ Compensation Case Process

Introduction Navigating the Workers’ Compensation Process with Confidence Embarking on the workers’ compensation process can often be a daunting experience, especially when dealing with the aftermath of a workplace injury. It’s a journey that requires not only strength but also a deep understanding of the legal procedures involved. The workers’


How to Talk to Your Boss about Workers’ Compensation

Florida Workers’ Compensation is set up as a No-Fault law. What does that mean to you? If you’re injured in the workplace your company will generally pay for medical treatment and lost wage benefits regardless of who caused the injuries. However, there’s a reporting requirement associated with Workers’ Compensation as


Rumblings About Florida Workers’ Compensation

Injured workers in Florida-ACT NOW DO NOT DELAY. The main reason for claim denial is failure to report the accident. An accident occurs and you go home and think about whether or not you want to tell your supervisor about the injuries and need for treatment. You delay one day.

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