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Articles about Workers Compensation

Why Is My Workers’ Comp Case Going To Trial?

Introduction Workers’ compensation is a vital system that provides benefits to employees who suffer job-related injuries or illnesses. Understanding this process is crucial, especially if you’re dealing with a complex situation that may lead to a trial. In Florida, workers’ compensation cases can sometimes escalate, making it essential to grasp


When To Hire a Workers’ Comp Lawyer

Introduction Hello, Steve Renick from LaBovick Law Group here, your dedicated advocate for workers’ compensation. Today, we’re going to talk about the importance of workers’ compensation and, crucially, When To Hire a Workers’ Comp Lawyer. This is vital for anyone navigating the often confusing landscape of workplace injuries and benefits.


Impairment Vs Disability

Introduction Hello, everyone. This is Steve Renick from LaBovick Law Group. As the Director of Workers’ Compensation here at LaBovick, I frequently get questions from clients about the differences between impairment vs disability. Today, I want to dive into this important topic to help clarify these concepts, which are often


How Much Is My Workers’ Comp Case Worth?

What is Workers’ Compensation? Hello, this is Steve Renick, Director of Workers’ Compensation at LaBovick Law Group. Today, I want to discuss an important topic: “How Much Is My Workers Comp Case Worth?”. This is a question that comes up often in my conversations with clients. First, let’s understand what


How Much Does Steroid Injection Increase Settlement Amounts

Navigating personal injury settlements in Florida requires a keen grasp of key factors. A pivotal one is medical treatment, spotlighting steroid injections. These injections, common in severe back pain cases, beg the question: how much does steroid injection increase settlement amounts? In Florida, where injury laws have unique stipulations, understanding

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